Crackers & Chips, Fried

UDANG MAS, Garnelen Cracker, 80 g
Nährwerte Portion per 100 g Kalorien 493 kcal Natrium 0 mg Fette gesamt 23,7 g Kalium 0 mg Gesättigte 2 g Kohlenhydrate gesamt 66,7 g Mehrfach ungesättigte 0 g Ballaststoffe 0 g Einfach ungesättigte 0 g Zucker 5,6...
NESIA - Baked Tofu Crackers, 100g
Nutritonal Fact Serving size per 100 g Energy 632 kcal Fat 42 g Carbohydrate 5.4 g Protein 35 g Salt 3.1 Product of IndonesiaImporter: Udang-MasAluminiumstraat 52, 2718 RA Zoetermeer, The Netherlands
NESIA - Fried Rengginang, 125 g
Nutritional Fact Serving size per 100 g Calories 490 kcal Total Carbohydrate 66 g Total Fat 22 g Sugar 0 g Saturates 10 g Protein 7 g Cholesterol 0 g Salt 3.5 g Product of IndonesiaImporter: Nesia Food.Ballangeelaan 78, 2497 AA, Den Haag, The Netherlands
MAICIH - Cassava Chips Spicy Level 5, 100 g
Nutritional Fact Serving size: 100 g Fat total 27.04% Protein 14.51% Carbohydrate total 21.36% Calories 455.5 kcal Product of IndonesiaManufactured by: CV. Maicih Bandung Jalan Primaraga No.6, Cisaranten Endah, Arcamanik, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40293,...
MAICIH - Cassava Chips Spicy Level 10, 100 g
Nutritional Fact Serving size: 100 g Fat total 27.04% Protein 14.51% Carbohydrate total 21.36% Calories 455.5 kcal Product of IndonesiaManufactured by: CV. Maicih BandungJalan Primaraga No.6, Cisaranten Endah, Arcamanik, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40293,...
NESIA - Sweet Emping Melinjo, 150g
Nutritional Fact Serving size per 100 g Calories 439 kcal Fat 6.4 g Saturated Fat 2.2 g Carbohydrate 65.7 g Sugar 24.2 g Protein 10 g Salt 1.1 g County of origin: IndonesiaManufacturer/Importer: Nesia FoodBALLANGEELAAN 78, 2497 AA. Den Haag.
NESIA - Emping Melinjo Spicy, 150g
Nutritional Fact Serving size per 100 g Calories 439 kcal Fat 6.4 g Saturated Fat 2.2 g Carbohydrate 65.7 g Sugar 24.2 g Protein 10 g Salt 1.1 g County of origin: IndonesiaManufacturer/Importer: Nesia FoodBALLANGEELAAN 78, 2497 AA. Den Haag.
NESIA - Sumpia Koekjes Spicy, 150g
Nutritional Fact Serving size per 100 g Calories 480 kcal Fat 22.5 g Saturated Fat 20 g Carbohydrate 60.5 g Sugar 14 g Protein 10 g Salt 1 g County of origin: IndonesiaManufacturer/Importer: Nesia FoodBALLANGEELAAN 78, 2497 AA. Den Haag.
NESIA - Pastel Koekjes Sweet, 150g
Nutritional Fact Serving size per 100 g Calories 240 kcal Fat 18 g Saturated Fat 10 g Carbohydrate 31.4 g Sugar 8.2 g Protein 6.2 g Salt 1.1 g County of origin: IndonesiaManufacturer/Importer: Nesia FoodBALLANGEELAAN 78, 2497 AA. Den Haag.
LUCULLUS, Schrimp Cracker 8x5 cm, 500g
Nährwertangabe Durchschnittliche Nährwerte pro 100g Energie Total 340 kcal Fette Gesamt 0 g Gesättigte Fettsäuren 0 g Kohlenhydrate Total 81 g Cholesterin 0 mg Salz 2,7 g Kalium 0 mg Zucker 9 g Ballaststoffe 5 g...